I blinked my eyes and the fairy tale had finished. George drove me home in his van. It felt really good to sit again in that type of car. We stopped by the big Sainsburys on our way home as he bought some viagra. He wanted to fuck me properly, but that was not really necessary for me, I was simply enjoying his company. He got a bit scared when the chemist mentioned the heart attack risks that could cause, «no, fuck it!» he said to the chemist. He was so lovely. We got home in just 20 minutes. He got us some prosecco and some Papa Johns pizza. We talked and laughed and stroke our hands for hours. He said he loved my accent and wanted me to keep talking for him to listen. He stroked my face with his thumb and i felt like a cute kitten. He said my skin was very soft, my hair so thick and curly, and that he never saw from so close and touched a hair like that before. He had never been before with a foraigner, only with british girls. We fell asleep cuddling each other, but being close to him was the real dream. I slept in heavenly peace next to him. His pale skin, blue eyes, blond hair and lovely south east accent. He knows what he wants and he goes for it, he is generous and don’t waste time doubting about things or overthinking them. I felt like a princess in a fairytale and this is what I really deserve, because that’s exactly what I am.

When I opened my eyes back again, he needed to leave. Give me the exact amount of this syrup that does not possibly bore me, leave me satisfied, and wanting more.

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